Dr Ash Gordon (Chinese Medicine)
Dr Ash Gordon (TCM) is an experienced acupuncturist and Chinese herbal medicine practitioner with a clinical focus on fertility, pregnancy care, pain management and musculoskeletal conditions.
Ash Gordon
Fertility support
Pregnancy and Postpartum Care
Musculoskeletal and pain management
Men's Health
Women's Hormone Health
Appointments with Ash are available during the following times at Ova Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine:
Tuesday 1pm – 8pm
Friday 1pm – 8pm
Professional and results driven care.
All of the acupuncturists and Chinese herbal medicine practitioners at Ova Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine hold Bachelor Degrees in Health Science and are proud members of AACMA and AHPRA.
Why we do it
We believe that the body’s natural state of being is health. Oftentimes, we just need a little nudge and helping hand to arrive back at that place. Acupuncture invites the body back into this state of natural healing.
Heart-centred healthcare that puts you at the centre
Personalised treatment plans to elevate your health
A belief that everybody deserves to live the most thriving version of their life
What We Do
We are a dedicated Chinese Medicine clinic that marries the wisdom tradition of Traditional Chinese Medicine with modern integrative medicine approaches. We offer acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping and gua sha to our Camp Hill community.
Our Approach
All of our practitioners are invited to bring their unique treatment style to their practice. We integrate styles of acupuncture from Taiwan, China, Japan and Korea to deliver expert-care to our patients in order to manifest the very best outcome for you.
Our Core Values
We believe in showing up in integrity in everything we do, in delivering heart-led services and importantly, we believe in meeting you exactly where you are. Our mission is to work with you to bring you back onto the path of better health.